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20/04/2015 - 7:39 AMAdmin 3407 luotxem

Thermoplastics are like wax- they can be moulded and re-moulded many times under the right temperature. Thermosetting plastics can be moulded by crosslinking or hardening only once under specific conditions.

Today, plastics which can be reused and recycled, have become a sustainable material closely linked to people's lives. From airbag to safety belts, baby chairs, bike helmets, toothbrushes and life jackets, household goods made up of plastics can be seen and bought everywhere. The diversified and convenient plastic packing materials have not only ensured our food safety and health, but also improved people's living quality. Without plastics, the total weight of our packages would be significantly increased, our production and energy costs would be double, and our material consumption will be significantly increased. The application of plastic agricultural water saving devices and agricultural plastic fimls has elevated the water saving rate of the agricultural irrigation in many places. In fact, the plastics industry has become a pillar industry supporting the healthy development of Vietnam's national economy.

The plastics industry is helping us develop more sustainable consumer products that are less environmental impacts.

A Brief History for the Development of Plastics.

Early days of 20th Century

1907- Leo Hendrik Baekeland invented the first man-made synthetic liquid resin- and called it Bakelite. It could be heated and moulded into any shape- but only once. It was used as an electrical insulator ( wires housings).

Nylon was discovered in the 1930s. Nylon was originally called Polyamide 66 and was used to replace animal hair in toothbrushes and later silk stockings.

1939-Nylon stockings were launched and nylon was incorported into military uses- parachutes and tents during the Second World War.

Middle Stage of 20 Century

During 1940s- silicone based plastic and boric acid were mixed together and formed and unusual type of compound. It could bounce 25% more than rubber, could be stretched into many different shapes over and over again. It can be used as Putty and in recent years is also used in Super Balls and Solar Panels.

In 1950s, High Density Polyetheylene(HDPE) was developed and is now used in plastic milk bottles. Polypropylene (PP) was also discovered during this period.

21st century and the Future

Ever since the 1960s, plastics have been more and more widely applied in society. Today, it has become an indispensable material in people's lives. From communications, entertainment, mankind's health, to energy conservation in transportation and the utilization of sunlight, water resources and wind power, plastics are playing a key role in our everyday lives and future well being.

NOTE: Only a fraction-just 4% of the world's oil is used to make plastic. Plus with plastics being easily reused, and in many cases, recycled, the life of the oild feedstock is extended well beyond its initial use. And compared to fuels used in vehicles and buildings which are only used once( and consume 88% of the world's oil), plastics have a dramatically higher 'multiplier value' on the initial oil consumed.

Plastics and Sustainable Development

As a reusable and recyclable environmentally friendly material which will enhance energy efficiencies, plastics should help us to achieve resource utilization rate, reduce waste, and develop a sustainable and harmonious society. The plastics industry is helping us develop more sustainable consumables of better qualities which will reduce the pressure on natural resources use

Plastics make new energy

Wind turbines: made of polycarbonate material produce a renewable energy source

Solar cells: made from new plastics make solar energy a more affordable and widely used energy source. Those plastics which can not be readily recycled can be used as an alternative fuel source in Engergy from Waste facilities.

Plastics help to save and recycle water

Plastic for water: plastic for water tank construction and water storage can help reduce our reliance on traditional w beater

Plastics make things lighter saving fuel and resources

Modern airplanes and cars: are made from composite materials, making them lighter and safer. They use less fuel, reducing green house.

Plastic for packaging: Without plastics, the weight of packaging would increase, production costs and energy consumption and waste volumn would increase accordingly.

Plastics can be made from different materials: Corn, sugarcane and wheat can be used as starting materials for plastics, which will reduce our reliance on nonrenewable resources.

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